Wildlife Photography Photo Bomb Competition!


Last week’s story The Bum View from Here, resonated with several readers. Many of you could relate to “the shot that got away” or the “non-photo” as wildlife photographer Tin Man Lee calls them. Mike Cristina, who leads photo safaris in Tanzania, commented on the Grevy Zebra image “This is one of my all time " fan favorite" bum shots.

I replied saying my archives are full of bum shots. I could hold a competition! Mike’s response was quick “do it!”.  With Mike’s collaboration we’ve decided to hold a friendly competition during August.

Send me your favorite animal photo bomb photos to kathy@kathykarn.com and I will post them on my KathyKarnPhotography Facebook page. In a few lines share the story behind the shot. It’s often the story, more than the image, that makes these photos memorable. We want to see your images. Let’s have some fun!

Mike Cristina, www.eastafricaphotosafaris.com and I will judge the entries and post the top 3 winners at the end of August. No prizes, just bragging rights!

I’ll share more out takes from my archives over the next four weeks. Here’s a rear-view example of famous Big Tusker Tim. Elephants definitely sport the droopy drawer fashion statement.

Speaking of Big Tuskers, over half a million people have signed the petition to save the cross border Super Tusker elephants in Kenya and Tanzania. Please sign and share! https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/amboseli_elephants_locked/

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