Saving Giraffes
Saving Giraffes: The Long Journey Home
Never before has it been so clear that our fates are inextricably linked to the life around us, whether we see it or not. We can learn to live more deeply when our eyes are open to the wild. Ami Vitale
Many of you were captivated last week with the image of Fupi, a reticulated giraffe, checking in on me at my cottage in Sarara Camp. There is something so engaging about giraffes, their elegance, their size, their beautiful spots, their graceful movement and sweet nature.
Is it any wonder that Sophie the children’s giraffe squeeze toy is a favourite with toddlers?
Sophie is a model of the Rothchild or Baringo giraffe, one of four giraffe species in sub–Saharan Africa. Rothchild giraffes have a unique pattern of dark brown patches and white lower legs.
Rothchild Giraffe, The Giraffe Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
I met my first Rothchild giraffe at the Giraffe Center in Nairobi in 2010. It was love at first kiss!
Save Giraffes Now is a charitable organization dedicated to protecting giraffes from extinction. One of their projects is the subject of a documentary, Saving Giraffes: The Long Journey Home recently released on Disney Plus.
Eight rare-species giraffe are suddenly stranded on a lake island in Kenya. If they’re not rescued, they’ll die. The only solution is far-fetched: build a modern-day ark, called The Giraft, convince the skittish animals to go aboard, and sail them to the mainland before they starve. Can a team of local leaders, Kenyan vets and conservationists pull it off?
The film tells how the love of giraffes fostered peace and purpose between two warring tribes. At a time when the world seems full of horrific news, this heartwarming story of two communities coming together to save wildlife and protect their environment gives me hope. They are making a difference and promoting conservation.
Photo Credit Ami Vitale
During this time of giving, consider giving a gift that gives back to wildlife and supports conservation. Even a donation of $10 can make a difference. Check out my online store for fun products, a percentage of all proceeds goes to conservation. Copies are flying off the shelf of my signed limited edition book, The Wisdom of Elephants. I only have 22 books left of this special first edition! When we take care of nature, nature takes care of us.
Here’s a link to the trailer of Saving Giraffes: The Long Journey Home available on Disney Plus. If you’d like to support giraffe conservation you can donate directly to Save Giraffes Now.