Posts tagged Baby Animals
I Love Elephant Ears

I confess, I am in love with elephant ears—the real ones. Although, as I write this, I realize one of my favourite pastries as a child was elephant ears so perhaps, I was destined to love elephant ears. I love elephants too, most of you know that, but, those ears—amazing! I remember the day I was hooked.

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Trauma and Healing—A Story of Love and Resilience, Part 2

The elephants raced towards us, sounding loud trumpet blasts. Each orphan made a bee line to one of the keepers who, with one motion, stuffed an elephant sized baby bottle into their mouths. In no time, the bottle was empty, and the baby’s trunk reached out for the second bottle. Amos stepped to the side and motioned me in. I was in Kenya feeding a baby elephant—definitely a pinch-me moment.

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Trauma and Healing—A Story of Love and Resilience, Part 1

The baby elephant flared its ears and shifted its weight back and forth from leg to leg. I was shaken with surprise; it took a minute for my heart to settle. “You’re okay,” I said quietly as I took a breath. “You’ll be okay here. It’s going to be all right. I know you are frightened and wondering where your mum is, where your family is. There are friends here who will take care of you.”

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A Newborn Giraffe

I couldn’t believe our luck when we discovered a “journey” of giraffes browsing beside the road early in the morning. Two young calves hung out together, simultaneously curious and hesitant about us. They trained their eyes and ears on our vehicles. When the calf turned to look at me, I could see that her ears and nose were still crusted with fluid from her mother’s womb. So young, so new, so beautiful.

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