Posts tagged Orphans
Elephants Heal With a Little Help From Their Friends

Elephants, like us, need community and friends to heal from trauma and loss. There’s proof. This week National Geographic published a study about the power of friendship and survival in orphaned elephants. Look at these orphaned baby elephants at the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary in Northern Kenya – does it look like they are having a good time?

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Save Nature – Save Ourselves

The gates opened for the next feeding at the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, but the orphans were nowhere in sight. The region is experiencing a devastating drought, the keepers and their young charges were forced to walk further out into the bush to find enough to eat. Finally, the first group of orphans arrived. They raced across the compound for their bottles.

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A Surprise Trip to Kenya

Tears of overwhelm and joy pricked my eyes when I read the email on September 9, 2021. Congratulations! We are contacting you today because your image has been selected as a Highly Honored finalist in the final round of Judging for the 2021 Benjamin Mkapa African Wildlife Photography Awards.

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Help! There’s an Elephant in the Well!

Last week a tiny elephant calf fell in a well in Northern Kenya. The region is currently experiencing a devastating drought. The local Samburu people dig wells for their livestock in riverbeds during the dry season. They bring their animals to drink during the day and elephants take advantage of the wells at night. Unfortunately, sometimes a calf falls in and the elephants are unable to help it out.

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Shaba – A Elephant’s Story of Healing, Resilience and Leadership

I chose to visit Sarara Camp in Northern Kenya, after reading photographer Ami Vitale’s National Geographic story about the launch of the sanctuary in 2017. Reteti is the first community owned and run elephant sanctuary in Africa and the first elephant orphanage to employ women as keepers. Not only are they saving elephants, Reteti is creating employment for women and modeling new roles for young girls.

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