Posts tagged Ulysses
Mammoth Magic: For the Love of Elephants (Part 2)

I know stories of elephants mourning.  I know they visit the bones of their family members where they have died.  I’ve seen the skulls, been told how the elephants touch them, smell them with their trunks. I’ve heard about elephant mothers that stand by a baby’s corpse for days.  I’ve heard how elephants will try to lift up a recently dead family member, how they call out, trumpet, and shuffle around the body.

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Mammoth Magic: For the Love of Elephants

I was awestruck – these elephants were HUGE. We were so CLOSE! “I’ll see if I can get closer,” said Julius. “Closer?!” the danger signal in my brain squeaked, as Julius navigated through the bushes to the other side of the tree revealing Tim in full view. The huge bulls gazed at us, nonplussed by the intrusion, eventually sauntering out into the open to graze.

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