Once upon a time …. Lessons in Visual Story Telling


I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou

Hello Dear Readers:

This week I’m double dipping. I’m busy preparing an online presentation for an Ontario Camera Club about Visual Story Telling so, in the spirit of sharing with more than one audience, here are some of my pointers for photographers and storytellers. 

A photo that tells a story is a photo that people remember

More than a beautiful picture – a story is implied

Connects emotionally with the viewer


Suggests change or action, implies meaning

Captures action or conflict

Engages the imagination of the viewer to complete the story

I’ll be presenting again March 17th for the London Camera Club. Guests are welcome! I’ll post a notice about that event next month.

For the photographers out there here’s an exercise to practice using your pictures to tell a story.

Tell your story in 6 images:

A close up of your subject
A wide shot
A detail that is relevant to the story
Two images that show movement or gesture
At least 2 different points of view – e.g., low, high, eye level

Happy February – I’m celebrating the return of the light!

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