Ticket to Change a Life


Ticket to Change a Life

 “The world is your oyster when you are educated.”  Nellie Cheboi CNN hero of the Year.

Spend $5 for the chance to change a life and win this print! Purchase your tickets HERE. $5 for a chance to win or $20 for 5 chances etc.

The Wisdom of Elephants 17x22”

I spent every summer of my youth at a girls camp in Northern Ontario. I learned to paddle a canoe, live lightly on the land, play, create, lead and so much more. I grew up trusting in the collaborative power of girls working and playing together. Because of my camp experience, I co-facilitated wilderness canoe trips for adults as part of my therapy practice in the 80’s and 90’s. The program included a 3-day fasting solo. “Better than 10 years of therapy!” shouted a woman from the bow of her canoe as she paddled back to base camp after 3 days and nights alone on a northern lake. Nature and a community of kindred spirits transformed us, healed us, empowered us. Nature remains my greatest teacher and sanctuary. Save nature, save ourselves.

Lake Temagami Northern Ontario Canada

Dr. Winnie Kiiru knows the value of being in nature to teach life skills and conservation. That’s why she founded CHD Conservation Kenya’s residential camps for local Maasai youth in Southern Kenya. I am acutely aware the future of African wildlife lies in the hands of the people who co-exist with them. Where will we go for inspiration and restoration when the animals are gone and the land degraded?

Maasai Mamas tree planting

Thanks to readers’ support money raised from the sale of my book and prints will fund a 3-day residential camp for girls and boys in Southern Kenya who are currently out of school due to the disruption of COVID. It’s not a huge sum, less than $2,000. However, it is enough to sponsor 30 children for 3 days at CHD Conservation Kenya’s Camp. Even a small contribution can change a life and help protect an ecosystem.

CHD Conservation Kenya campers on safari in Amboseli Park

Five dollars buys a chance to win a large format 17x22” black and white print of The Wisdom of Elephants. The elephant leading the group in the print is Hatsy. She is a member of the HB family of elephants who live in the same territory as the children who attend CDH Conservation Kenya’s camp. The survival of Hatsy’s family and the children’s families depends on animals and people co-existing in harmony. Good conservation practices make this possible. Conservation depends on education. With education anything is possible.

Purchase your tickets via the donation button in my online store: $5 for a chance to win or $20 for 5 chances etc. The winner will be announced on Dec. 21st, the longest night of the year and the turning point marking the return of the light. With the new year comes hope – hope for elephants and hope for those committed to protect them. Small donations can make a difference in the lives of these children with big dreams.

Good Luck and ASANTE SANA (MANY THANKS) to my subscribers!

Donate HERE

See what a Kenyan girl is capable of when she has access to education. Watch Nellie Cheboi win CNN Hero of the Year Award.

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