The Bum View from Here Photo Competition: Week 4


We have 42 submissions so far on my Kathy Karn Photography Facebook page. Tom Dibblee wrote in to say he appreciated the opportunity to review images in his archives from a new perspective. Tom’s submission of the back of a Snowy Owl made me groan. It’s so exciting to spot these beautiful birds overwintering in southern Ontario but, totally frustrating when all you get to see is the bird’s bum!

Tom Dibblee: Snowy Owl from behind

My own search served up some memorable photo bomb images.  Wildlife photography is unpredictable. Animals do what they do, it’s up to the photographer to capture the best gesture, lighting, and story. Often the animal’s behaviour doesn’t match the image I imagined or hoped for, but a sense of humour redeems the shot. Like this Grevy zebra who looks more goofy than gorgeous. He could guide an aircraft landing with those big ears! 

Kathy Karn: Goofy Grevy

How about this rare sighting of a short-necked giraffe?

Kathy Karn: Short-necked Giraffe

I was excited in 2011 when our guide received a call about a cheetah nearby. I adjusted my camera settings to prepare for my first sighting of the world’s fastest animal. When we found the cheetah, he was comatose, sleeping off the spoils of a recent meal. Even the sound of our approaching Land Cruiser didn’t rouse this cat. Reminds me of the post Thanksgiving dinner stupor. No action shots that day.

Kathy Karn: Sleeping Cheetah

If you hope to catch the majesty and power of lions then avoid the midday siesta. Lions look like harmless pussycats when asleep. The only redeeming part of this image for me is the cub sandwiched between two family members and that big paw hugging its sibling in the foreground.

Kathy Karn: Lion Siesta

My favourite image in the photo bomb category goes to two Grevy zebra orphans at Sarara Camp. This image reminds me of an animal selfie. It always brings a smile to my face.

Kathy Karn: Grevy Selfie

This week’s uploads on the Kathy Karn Photography Facebook page include skinny bums, boney bums, feathered bums and big bums! Betsy Bowen’s iconic rear view of Big Tusker Craig with Mt. Kilimanjaro in the background brought back fond memories of our January safari.

Nancy Chadwick: Camels Northern Kenya

Tom Dibblee: Giant Tortoise, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Cathy Langen: Bateleur Eagles, Samburu, Kenya

Betsy Bowen: Big Tusker and Mt Kilimanjaro, Amboseli, Kenya

August 21st is the last day to submit your photos. Email your images and captions to  Mike Cristina and I will announce the winners in my August 28th blog.  

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