Winners of The Bum View/Photo Bomb Photo Competition


Many thanks to everyone who submitted their images the Bum View/Photo Bomb Competition. We had 72 entries! Many of you wrote how the exercise of going through your pictures rekindled special memories. Photography is like an archive of treasured moments in our lives. What matters most in an image is what it stirs in our hearts and minds.

Our Grand Winner is Phil Ayers. His zebra image invites an immediate reaction and tells a powerful story.  Sure looks like delivery is imminent! Phil we grant you full bragging rights for this wonderful photo.  Phil wrote “Thanks for running the contest.  We were glad to have a reason to go through our photos, which brought back many happy memories.”

 Grand Winner: Phil Ayers – Common Zebra

Phil Ayers: Common Zebra

A big shout out to Mike Cristina for encouraging me to run the contest. Mike and I met in 2021 at the National Museum in Nairobi for the opening ceremony of Nature’s Best Benjamin Mkapa African Photography Awards. We were both finalists in the competition. One of my winning images was a shot from behind. For me the image tells a heartwarming story of love, hope and conservation.

Kathy Karn: Orphan elephant and keeper, Nairobi Kenya

Mike and I couldn’t stop at just one winner so we added some categories to celebrate more of your submissions.

Photo Bomb:  Heather Button – Airshow (insect upper right photo bombed the image, perfect size, though out of formation)

Heather Button: Airshow photo bomb

Artisitc: Linda Calwell – Infrared image of Grevy Zebras: Always One Out of Sync

Linda Caldwell - Grevy Zebras

Reptile: Tom Dibblee - Galapagos Giant Tortoise

Tom Dibblee: Giant Tortoise, Galapagos Islands

Birds:  Janet Lalonde - Ostrich Family

Janet Lalonde - Ostrich Family

Africa: Cathy Langen - Elephant Mom & Calf

Cathy Langen: Elephant and Calf

Most Bums Group: Nancy Chadwick - Camels

Nancy Chadwick: Camels Northern Kenya

Best Pair: Tad Palmer: Cape Buffalo Rump mates

Tad Palmer: Cape Buffalo

Check out all 72 submissions on my Kathy Karn Photography Facebook Page. Thanks again to all who participated in this fun exercise. I loved hearing from you and seeing your pictures.

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