Exciting News from the Publishing Front


“I just pre-ordered my first copy and can’t wait to see it this summer. Thank you so much for putting this wonderful piece into the world. What a meaningful dent you’ve made in our universe. Can’t wait to see what you do next.”

- Michael Chaffin, Little Rock AR

I am filled with gratitude for the comments from advance readers and pre-order purchasers of The Wisdom of Elephants. People are affirming what I believe; we care about elephants, we care about conservation, we care about books that give back for good.

Oh Kathy, this is simply magnificent. I love elephants and remember meeting you so long ago and hearing about this work. To see you now here at this place, doing this, I’m beyond words excited for and inspired by what you have done and how you have worked with others to put this gift into the world.

I now have to figure out how much space I have in the bank balance for how many copies to get for us and one or two people I know will love this as a gift.

Deepest congratulations and thanks for showing up and showing all of us what is possible when we do the work we feel we are being asked to do.

It is breathtaking.

- Daniel Burns, Kindness Mastery Researcher, NSW, Australia

Oh, and do you have any estimate on shipping to Australia? I’d be stoked if I were the first purchase over here! - not very competitive or anything - or have I already missed that boat? Maybe there are a group of us in Australia that might like to purchase and could buy in bulk or something and this might help?

Thank you, Daniel!  I’ve requested a quote from the printer for shipping costs to Australia. The book is going global with orders for France, Kenya, Australia, USA and Canada. For the curious, here’s a sneak peek from inside. I’m printing 150 copies of the first signed edition. When you pre-order here you ensure you get a copy and elephant conservation gets support.

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