Posts tagged Elephant
Black and White or Colour? The photographer’s dilemma.

The choice to process an image in black and white comes with experimentation post processing. What is my intention? How can I best convey the mood, the emotion? Here’s the story behind my decision to choose black and white for this image of a magnificent bull elephant from Amboseli.

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If you can sing, you can dance.

There is a visceral sense of joy and healing that comes with African singing and dancing. When I’m in Kenya and people begin to dance, I can’t help but join in. My feet tap, my head and shoulders bob to the music. I sing along even when I don’t know the language. It is contagious! It is joyful. It connects us to others. It builds community.

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If Audrey Hepburn were an animal ......

If Audrey Hepburn were an animal, I think she’d be a giraffe. Giraffes win the prize for elegance, beauty and grace. Those big eyes, those long lashes, that neck and super long legs! The tallest mammal on earth, it amazing to see them grazing the acacia treetops in the wild.

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Elephants Heal With a Little Help From Their Friends

Elephants, like us, need community and friends to heal from trauma and loss. There’s proof. This week National Geographic published a study about the power of friendship and survival in orphaned elephants. Look at these orphaned baby elephants at the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary in Northern Kenya – does it look like they are having a good time?

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I am over the moon. My first order of books arrived this weekend! Two and a half years ago I had an extraordinary encounter with the elephants of Amboseli. I returned home changed, committed to use my images and story to speak up for elephants and wildlife conservation. The Wisdom of Elephants is the result of this intention.

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Daffodils and Elephants

Spring is here in Southern Ontario. The early daffodils are appearing like bright yellow spotlights highlighting the coming season. Daffodils are like a hallelujah flower chorus shouting Yes! Life! I plant a couple of hundred daffodil bulbs every fall. It’s a ritual I’ve carried out for close to 40 years.

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Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! I’d love to hear how you celebrate. When we lived in the country, we planted a tree each year to mark Earth Day. Our earth friendly actions impact nature, whether it’s planting insect and bird friendly perennials in the garden or making conscious choices at the grocery store, collectively our actions make a difference.

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