Photography as Change Agent
Photography as Change Agent
Photography is one of the most effective and powerful tools we have to tell complex stories, like the story of climate change. - Cristina Mittermeier
The Wisdom of Elephants
Hello dear readers and Happy New Year! I have exciting news. The black and white image of The Wisdom of Elephants made the final round in the Refocus Awards photo competition. I believe photography can inspire positive change.
I’m asking for your support. Please vote and support me in the people’s choice category of the competition. You can vote every day until Feb. 1st. You can make a difference! Your vote one more way to raise awareness that elephants are at risk.
The story behind the shot.
One group approached in a wide line. Then, as if on cue, the leader stepped forward and her family fell in behind. We locked eyes and acknowledged each other. It felt electric. I pressed the shutter. I knew I had the shot. She kept coming, she could have touched me with her trunk. I held my breath as she walked around the truck, her entourage following close behind. ….
I was in sacred time and hesitated to break the silence. I looked at Pilipili and mouthed “WOW.” I could tell by his expression he was also moved. I took a deep breath, “There is a lesson here. I think the elephants want us to take their message out into the world.” Pilipili nodded in agreement. (from The Wisdom of Elephants)
I felt I was in the presence of wise elders that day in January 2020. Elephants are intelligent and compassionate animals. At the time of my encounter on the Amboseli plain, billions of animals were being burned alive in Australian wildfires. Environmental protection is at risk around the globe. As I pondered the unspoken message from the elephants, I felt compelled to speak up for their protection. Climate change and population growth are impacting their habitat. Human wildlife conflict is on the rise. Elephant numbers are plummeting. Food insecurity is a harsh reality for wildlife and people alike.
Photography and personal stories can play a role in climate action. A world without elephants is unimaginable. Your vote helps put this image and the majesty of elephants in front of a wider audience.
View My Nominated Entry in the People’s Vote Award Gallery
P.S. Supporters report you need to exit and re-enter the website to vote again the next day. Just reloading the website is insufficient.