We are all connected.


Never before has it been so clear that our fates are inextricably linked to the life around us, whether we see it or not. We can learn to live more deeply when our eyes are open to the wild. Ami Vitale

Recently I listened to a local radio host discuss a report from the WWF stating biodiversity has declined 69% since 1970. This is a stunning statistic. In my lifetime I have noticed the spread of urban sprawl and the reduction of tree cover in cities. Some invasive insects, like the Emerald Ash Borer and Dutch Elm beetle have killed entire tree species in Ontario. I treasure my time in the Canadian wilderness, but the freshwater quality in Northern lakes has declined. There are fewer songbirds in our cities and rural environments. Evidence of habitat loss and degradation is everywhere.

My generation has witnessed the rise of plastic containers and its devastating impact waterways and our oceans. I confess I laughed out loud at first when I read about people going “forest bathing” as if the restorative aspect of being in nature was a new discovery. Then I paused and thought more deeply about why this is a “thing”.  Some people don’t ever get out to natural landscapes. How can they care about something when they don’t know what they are missing?

Stories about the power of nature to heal – both ourselves and our environment is one of the goals of my wildlife photography.

When we are moved by something, we are more inclined to be curious. When we are curious, we are more open to learning and caring. When we care, we are more inclined to protect.

How about you? Have you noticed the decline in biodiversity where you live? What steps have you taken to protect your small part of the planet? I’d love to hear your responses. Together we can make a difference!

I’m excited to report that The Wisdom of Elephants has raised $1140.00 for conservation in Kenya to date. I am very grateful for the support of those who bought my book and shopped in my online store. Order now and get your copy or gift a copy this holiday season and help the elephants!

Latest responses from readers about The Wisdom of Elephants:

Thank you for creating this amazing treasure. I’ve only just started reading it and enjoying the remarkable photography. All I can say is “wow” and thank you again…for making such a wonderful dent in the universe. I’ll never see an elephant the same way again.  Michael Chaffin

Kathy is a master storyteller, a seer, a courageous woman with a heart large enough to understand these ancient teachers, her Massai guides, and the world aching for healing, change, and survival. I love the book, could not put it down. Everyone must read it and hear its urgent message to save these precious beings in order to save ourselves. Joann Malone

Your book reminds me of our sacred duty to protect this planet and its treasures. Thank you for sharing your gift of photography and writing to stir our souls and delight us with your experiences with the Big Tuskers. Terry Reeves 


Sitting down with your book and gazing at the extraordinary, patterns, textures, light and shadow of elephant skin is mesmerizing. In all it is an intimate portrait of a transformational time in your journey of love and grief. A work of deep passion. Sandra Odegaard

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