Dream Analysis and Photography


You never go wrong following your heart, you never go wrong photographing what you care about and what you are passionate about. Steve McCurry

Do you have a favourite photo? Take a minute to think about an image you treasure. What do you notice? How do you feel as you look at the picture? Stay with it, resist the urge to scroll on. I suspect there is a story that goes with your choice. Photographs are like bookmarks in our memories. They have the potential to deepen our connection to people, places and things in our life. Studying photographs that have personal meaning is like dream analysis. Whatever you think it means at first is probably not the full story. Look again, take your time, go deeper, what else shows up? If I had to choose one image for 2020 it would be the cover image of my book.


This image transports me back to the morning when over 400 elephants walked towards me across the Amboseli plain. At the time I was not aware of my legs going numb in the tight space I squeezed into on the floor of the truck, or the crick in my neck, as I lay on my belly, two cameras propped up between my elbows. Technical knowledge about f stops and shutter speeds receded from my conscious awareness. The air was hot and dry. My shirt, dirty with sweat and volcanic dust, stuck to my back. I did not notice. I was completely absorbed in the elephants’ world. The magic of that morning will stay with me forever.

When I look through my book, I reconnect with the sense of awe and wonder I experienced with the elephants. My time with African wildlife fuels my intention to use visual storytelling to teach about the importance of conservation.

The photos in The Wisdom of Elephants were taken at a time of transition in my life. The cover image speaks of life’s journey to me. There is a central figure, a matriarch. She is not alone, her family and community are with her. The calmness and openness of her face give me comfort. I know she will keep on keeping on. I feel encouraged and inspired to do the same.

I believe elephants have a lot to teach us about taking care of each other and taking care of the earth at this critical time in our planet. I share my story and images to speak about what matters to me. If my photographs touch you, then that touches me too. Like nature, I hope my images are a gift that keeps on giving. 

If you are in London next Saturday, September 17th, please drop by from 2:00 – 7:00 (note new time!) for my book launch to say hello and view some images of the animals that mean so much to me. If you can’t come by in person, I will post images from the show online and in next week’s blog. The exhibition’s Fine Art Prints will also be available for purchase next week in my online store. A donation of $10 from the sale of each book, print and animal print pillow during the show goes to support conservation in Kenya.


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